We've been working really hard to source a quality plant wholesaler and we've found it! No longer are we held captive to what the wholesale fish stores are bringing in, we get to choose for ourselves!
Check below for Fish, Shrimp and Plants in store...
Plants are arriving Thursday early afternoon, hopefully... You can call us and ask if they've been delivered before coming in.

Lyretail Killi Pair
Golden Wonder Killi
Rummynose Tetra and Rasbora
Galaxy Rasbora
Chili Rasbora
Micro Tiger Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Dr. Fish
Large Hatchet Fish
Shell Dweller Cichlid
Electric Yellow Cichlid
Maingano Cichlid
Rosy Barb Long & Shortfin
Giant Danio
Turquoise Danio
Galaxy Danio
Kuhli Loach
Yoyo Loach
Black Ghost Knife Fish
Zigzag Eel
Red Cap Oranda
Black Moor
Panda Cory (dwarf)
Masked Cory
Orange Venezuelan Cory
Mango Pleco
False Zebra Pleco
Assassin Snail
Large Mystery Snail
Nerite Snail
Blue Velvet, Yellow Back, Red Tiger, Blue Rili Shrimp
...and more

Bacopa Monnieri
Micro Sword/ Lilaeopsis Novaezelandiae UNS Tissue Culture
Anubias Barteri Var Barteri Mother Pot
Microsorium pteropus - Java Fern Mother Pot
Lobelia Cardinalis
Bacopa Monnieri
Alternanthera Lilacina
Echinodorus Palaefolius
Echinodorus Cordifoliu
Cryptocoryne Lutea
Bucephalandra Green Skeleton King
Black Pearl Bucephalandra
Anubias Short and Sharp
Anubias Nana Paxing
Anubias Nana and Java Fern on Driftwood
Echinodorus Red Phoenix
Bucephalandra Kedagang Round
Ophiopogon Dwarf on Clay Moss Bal
Microsorium Java Fern Windelov and Christmas Moss on Driftwood
Fittonia Albivenis On Clay Moss Ball
Christmas Moss - Foresta Mat
Bolbitis Heteroclita and Christmas Moss Bal
Bucephalandra Mix on Driftwood
Anubias Barteri Minima - Tower
Anubias Barteri and Christmas Moss on Driftwood