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  • San Diego Marine Aquarium Society Meetings

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know there have been some changes at SDMAS. As some of you already know, due to a very hectic travel schedule, Marlin (h20poloman) has stepped down as the clubs President. We'd like to thank Marlin for his service as the clubs president! The clubs new president is Jeff (specvjeff). Many of you know Jeff as he is very active on the boards and in the local reef keeping community. We've recently received a couple messages and have also been asked in person when we are going to having meetings again. We are looking at going back to the regular schedule of the 2nd Wednesday of every month. This may change as we discuss and plan. We are currently planning a meeting for March. As soon as we get all the details ironed out, we'll post an official meeting time, date, place and topic for the meeting! We really hope to see you all there!

    Comments 4 Comments
    1. jessegarcia28's Avatar
      jessegarcia28 -
      Congrats mr.jeff!
    1. Radman's Avatar
      Radman -
      I think Jeff is going to be a great president... Congrats But I have one question. Since I've been a member for 3 years and yet heard of any procedure....When was the vote? Were all members consulted? Is there even some sort of "bylaws" which prescribe procedure?
    1. SDMAS's Avatar
      SDMAS -
      Randy, We give first crack to the current B.O.D's when it comes to new leadership. If no one on the B.O.D's is interested, then we'd open it up to those not on the B.O.D. and have a vote.
    1. DaveMorris's Avatar
      DaveMorris -
      And, for the most part, being a board member is open to anyone that is interested. Besides the typical officer positions, we like to have several "members at large". It has always been difficult to find people dedicated enough or available enough to serve on the board to help further the club for the better. Anyone interested in helping is certainly encouraged to let us know. Best way is to PM one of the folks here with their name in red.