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  • Premium Membership

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    Become a Premium Member!

    Only $25 a Year.

    With your membership you will be supporting You will help keep the site open to guests, your name turns Orange and an “I support SDReefs” banner is posted under your username. You help fund giveaways, hosting fees, and costs for additional site features. By leveraging the benefits within this site, you should easily save yourself the cost of membership over the year.

    Additional features associated with the Premium membership:

    1) Larger PM Box (750)
    2) Full access to userCP (control panel) features
    3) Signature pictures
    4) Larger picture storage
    5) UserName Changes on request
    6) Access to unlimited CHAT
    7) Membership to SDMAS
    8) Discounts to Local Fish Stores – see the Sticky (cards coming soon!)

    Thank you in advance for supporting the SanDiegoReefs.

    Click Here

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  • SDMAS and SDReefs Merger

    We are pleased to announce a merger between the
    San Diego Marine Aquarium Society (SDMAS) and SDReefs!

    As many of you know, SDMAS is a local San Diego reefing club. We are dedicated to bringing together local aquarium hobbyists. Our efforts include sponsoring and hosting events such as behind the scenes at the Birch Aquarium, Annual Summer BBQ, booths at the Marine Aquarium Expo & Reef-a-Palooza, meetings at local fish stores, amazing raffles and speakers such as Joe Yaiullo, Fernando Nostrapour, and Bob Fenner. We are focused on getting people together to talk about husbandry, new equipment, the latest trends, and share our reef keeping experiences along with our love of the hobby.

    SanDiegoReefs, the oldest San Diego online Forum in San Diego focuses on providing a platform for all things reef related. Together, combined we will have a larger reach to host events, bring in amazing speakers and involve even more people in the reefing community.

    For those of you unfamiliar with both, think of as the San Diego Zoo and SDMAS as the Zoological Society!

    What does this mean for you as a local hobbyist?

    When you support SanDiegoReefs with a Premium Membership you are automatically a member of SDMAS, FREE Inclusive!

    Keep an eye out for our new Website within SanDiegoReefs on the Marine Aquatic Societies Tab.